・How can I cancel my account in full? For security purposes, all cancellations must be completed by telephone; no exceptions. You can reach the cancellation support department by calling (760) 602-3000 and choosing the appropriate menu option between Monday and Friday from 8-5 Pacific Time, and we will gladly assist you. Alternate methods of cancellation will not be accepted.
(記入例) I'd like to cancel my account in full, but I can not speak English. Therefore I'd like to know other way how to cancel my account. Could you accept to cancel my account by e-mail?
Please reply to this email including the answer of the following security details, so we may continue with the cancellation of your ********(あなたのユーザ名) account:
GDIに登録したときに設定した、セキュリティ質問(2つ)を問われます。 質問の回答を書きます。
(例) Favorite Number? → 777 Favorite Color? → RED
Based on your experience, do you have any suggestions that might help us improve our products and services?
Please note: Once the cancellation process is finalized, you must wait 14 full days before you can register a new account with a different username. If you do decide to register a new account after having waiting the full required time, you may do so using any valid referral link of your choosing. When you register your new account, you can attempt to register the domain of your choice. We cannot hold a domain for you. All commissions, bonuses, and downlines associated with the old account are immediately forfeited upon cancellation.
Kindest Regards,
********(GDIサポート担当者名) .WS Support
GDIサポートから送信されてきた原文と、 セキュリティ質問(2つ)の回答を添えて、返信をします。
セキュリティ質問と回答の確認ができましたら、 解約・退会処理完了のメールが届きます。
Good Afternoon, ********(あなたの名前)
Your account has been deactivated and you have been removed from any further mailings by our company per your request. You will not receive any charges for this account.
Your confirmation number is *****-*****(手続き照会番号).
Please note: Once the cancellation process is finalized, you must wait 14 full days before you can register a new account with a different username. If you do decide to register a new account after having waiting the full required time, you may do so using any valid referral link of your choosing. When you register your new account, you can attempt to register the domain of your choice. We cannot hold a domain for you. All commissions, bonuses, and downlines associated with the old account are immediately forfeited upon cancellation.